Neurosurgical & Spine Institute and Center for Spine - Expertise - Savannah, Georgia

4 E. Jackson Blvd • Savannah, GA 31405
(912) 355-1010 • M-F: 8am - 5pm

Prizm development


Click on the category heading for more information about the specialties at Neurosurgical & Spine Institute.

spine conditions savannah


The physicians at Neurological and Spine Institute are proficient in treating injury, disc-related problems, fractures and tumors of the spine.

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Brain tumors

When surgery is necessary to remove brain tumors, surgeons at Neurosurgical & Spine Institute utilize new developments in radiation and chemotherapy treatments such as gamma knife radiosurgery. They are experienced in treating brain tumors and recognizing the best course of treatment for patients on an individual basis.

pain conditions


Recognizing that chronic pain can have a dramatic impact on someone's quality of life, physicians at Neurosurgical & Spine Institute are dedicated to finding and implementing the most current methods for treating pain.

pain conditions


When blood vessels become clogged or receive an insufficient amount of blood flow, neurological problems such as aneurysm and stroke can occur. The Neurosurgical & Spine Institute team can outline the best course of treatment for you based on your individual problem and help create a lifestyle that minimizes the risk of recurring problems.

pediatric conditions savannah


Sudden head trauma (also called traumatic brain injury) can result in physical, behavioral and mental damage to the brain, which in turn can cause speech, balance, language and coordination impairment.



As with most medical conditions, children's needs differ when it comes to treating neurological diseases. The team of experts at Neurosurgical & Spine Institute is skilled and experienced at treating children with neurological problems and executing a consultation, diagnosis and treatment plan that is catered to their specific situation.

